Pupils are taught in small groups covering core subjects. Planning is responsive to the needs of pupils and is continuously evaluated. Formative assessment takes account of medical, social and emotional factors which can impact on progress.
Lesson structures:
Experiences and Activities
Teachers set high expectations for all pupils. They will use appropriate assessment to set ambitious targets and plan challenging work for all groups, including:
Curriculum Impact
Some pupils may start transition back to mainstream school whilst others may increase the number of academic subjects they wish to receive accreditation in.
Others may need to reduce their academic offer in favour of more therapeutic activities according to their physical or mental health status.
Initial allocation to a particular pathway will be determined using information provided at referral and information gathered through assessments undertaken as part of a planned induction process. Over the course of a placement, assessment will continue to take place and pupils may move between pathways.
Pathway 1:
Pupils who require significant support around SEMH- Core: English and Maths
Additional: Cooking, Art, Life skills, physical activity focusing on pupil interest (boxing, gym).
Pathway 2:
Pupils who require support to access an educational setting due to mental health difficulties. Core: English and Maths.
Additional: Cooking, Art, Life skills, Physical activity based on pupil wellbeing (Yoga, nature walk)
A future pathways programme will focus on careers. Visiting speakers will deliver talks to ensure pupils are aware of life beyond the academic classroom. Visits to further education institutions as well as industry will provide a balanced understanding of the world of work through employment or training.
Enrichment activities on offer will include Team sport, Gym, Boxing, Art, Yoga and Cooking.
After 1 term (12 weeks), a review will be completed with mainstream school, the local education authority and the provision to decide next steps:
We will further work with the local authority to support children who are not attending mainstream schools due to medical conditions. Once a place has been commissioned by school or the local education authority, an admission meeting can be arranged as soon as parents/carers and mainstream school or a local authority representative are able to attend. The pupil will start once an appropriate education plan has been completed and all documents have been received. The pupil will remain single registered with their mainstream school throughout their placement at Educ8academy.
Educ8academy will further work with the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities team to ensure the needs of the child are met. Educational Psychologist assessments can be completed on site as well as further assessments such as health or speech and language.
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